Fleet management solution for SMEs

Pflege Behmenburg GmbH used a QR code system to increase fleet efficiency, resulting in financial savings and greater employee satisfaction.
Christian Denker
May 3, 2024

Pflege Behmenburg GmbH, a medium-sized family business in the care sector with around 150 employees and a fleet of 100 vehicles, was faced with an everyday challenge that resulted in considerable financial losses. Despite their extensive team and sizeable fleet of vehicles, they lacked an efficient system for recording and allocating vehicle damage. This gap in fleet management led to a significant financial loss over a two-year period, caused by a lack of clarity in the attribution of responsibility. In their search for a customized solution, they came across ApptiveGrid, which marked the beginning of a groundbreaking transformation.

The core problem at Pflege Behmenburg GmbH was the inefficient handling of its vehicle fleet. Any damage to vehicles that was not clearly assigned not only resulted in direct repair costs, but also led to additional administrative costs and potential conflicts between employees and the administration. The lack of a digitalized and transparent takeover and handover process for the vehicles made the situation even more difficult. These challenges not only affected the financial health of the company, but also the morale and trust within the workforce.

ApptiveGrid, a flexible NoCode platform, provided the perfect solution for Pflege Behmenburg GmbH's specific requirements. By introducing a unique QR code system integrated into key fobs attached to vehicle keys, the company was able to implement an innovative and user-friendly method of vehicle handover. This system allowed employees to open a digital form on their smartphone with a simple scan of the QR code - without the need to install a special app. The form was specifically designed for quick and easy vehicle handovers, allowing any damage to be accurately recorded and immediately assigned to the current driver.

Collaboration and rapid implementation:

In the collaboration between ApptiveGrid and Pflege Behmenburg GmbH, the customized solution was developed and made ready for use within a few hours.

This process included:

  • Joint planning: Thanks to the close cooperation, the company's specific requirements were quickly identified and incorporated into the planning.
  • Use of the NoCode platform: With the intuitive drag-and-drop interface of ApptiveGrid, the employees of Pflege Behmenburg GmbH were able to actively participate in the creation of the solution.
  • Introduction of the QR code system: The innovative QR code system, which enables the transfer of vehicles with a simple scan, was integrated as a central component of the solution.

The results

The implementation of the QR code system and the use of the NoCode platform ApptiveGrid revolutionized the fleet management of Pflege Behmenburg GmbH. This fast and flexible solution led to immediate improvements:

  • Financial savings: A drastic reduction in unallocated claims, resulting in significant savings.
  • Increased efficiency: employees were able to take over vehicles more quickly and easily, resulting in considerable time savings.
  • Improved transparency and fairness: Complete documentation has eliminated inconsistencies in claims responsibility, boosting morale and mutual trust.

Customer feedback and outlook

"The ApptiveGrid solution has not only improved our financial balance sheet, but has also increased the confidence and satisfaction of our employees," says the management of Pflege Behmenburg GmbH. In view of these successes, the company plans to extend the use of ApptiveGrid to other areas, thus laying the foundations for even more efficient and transparent operational management.

The success story of Pflege Behmenburg GmbH with ApptiveGrid impressively underlines how digital transformations in fleet management can not only achieve financial savings, but also have a positive impact on the working atmosphere and corporate culture. ApptiveGrid is a proven partner for companies looking to overcome similar challenges.

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