Employee Onboarding

The onboarding of new employees is an essential step for a successful cooperation in companies.

Maximum flexibility

New team members have the flexibility to tailor their onboarding to their own needs and can access the materials at any time.

Central storage location

By storing documents centrally, updates can be carried out in an uncomplicated and comprehensive manner.

Relieve your HR

Digital onboarding tools mean that all the necessary information is available immediately and does not have to be compiled again and again.

All documents always up to date

With the template you ensure that all documents are up-to-date and consistent.
Dashboard mockup

Well organized briefing for a quick start

Training employees is always a complex process. After all, it's not just about familiarizing them with their new tasks. The newcomers also have to be introduced to the corporate culture, teams and processes in the company.

Digital employee onboarding

The onboarding template can be customized for each new employee. This eliminates the need to manually distribute checklists for onboarding and the first day of work on paper. The new employee is given access to the digitally released spreadsheet, which clearly lists all the necessary preparatory work and upcoming tasks. This enables the design of a perfect employee induction, where the new employee can independently make all necessary preparations. In addition to house rules and team information, site plans and much more can also be conveniently stored in the briefing in file format. Especially in the context of the home office, onboarding with ApptiveGrid proves to be extremely practical.
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Template questions and details

Templates are ready set up for your use case
How can a new employee onboard?
You can easily duplicate the template and invite your employee to the new Space with his email address. This way you can provide your employees with their onboarding documents individually.
Can I add more documents and tasks?
It is always possible to add more documents and tasks to the template. Set to-do's, upload onboarding documents and define contact persons.
Can automatic notifications be set up to keep track of the employee's status?
You can automatically create notifications via the workflows, which always inform you about the current status of the employee. This way, you always have a complete overview.
Where is the data stored?
Your data is stored on servers in Germany in accordance with the guidelines of the DSGVO.

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Product Manager, Sisyphus
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Head of Design, Layers
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Koray Okumus
UX Designer, Circooles

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